Thursday, July 12, 2012

Exploring Belfast

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, its been a bit difficult with our internet, and busy on our trip.

Cheap Breakfast
Thankfully, our day in Belfast started with a very cheap breakfast. We ended up paying £2.02 for this Tesco brand ensemble of food, and the most expensive item was the milk costing 86p. We got through this breakfast, and still had cereal, milk and marmalade to spare. We were in love with the amazing things we could get at Tesco.
Stoic at Queen's University
After having breakfast we decided to check out the south side of town and Queen's university. On the way there we decided to visit the post office, but were dismayed to find out that the international stamps were finished. In the end we had to buy 2 second class stamps to compensate. We finally reached queens and Daniel stood a stoic pose for the camera in front of the 150 year old university. We ended up sitting in a cafe with a view of the park in the courtyard of the university. It was great to sit and look at the serene park. From backpacking, I have learned that grass grows amazingly when its not being trampled on by people.
Beautiful park in Queen's

Parks in Queens
After this we decided to go and check out the Botanic Gardens which were right by the University. But as soon as we left the safety of our cafe a torrential downpour starts and we are stuck in the rain. We still ended up going through the Botanic Gardens but were unfortunately not able to get any pictures. Had we there would have been a possibility of our phones instantly short circuiting. We completed our walk about the Botanic Gardens, and then started to make our way back to the hostel. On the way back we dropped by a local Wetherspoons and had the Burger and Chips for a great lunch.
The Super Church
We waited out the rain in our hostel, and then compiled a list of some cites we wanted to see. After doing that we went to start with the Metropolitan Arts Centre (MAC) but unforunately that was closed, and to our dismay we were unable to check out the 6 floor gallery. But there was a very interesting structure that jutted out beside the MAC. As me and Daniel walked up to it we found out it was an amazing church. From there we dubbed in the Super Church, and were able to recognize it throughout the city.
A peak of the sky
We then started to make our way to the West side of Belfast because we wanted to see some of the murals that were painted on the houses. It was then that we saw a sight we had never seen in Belfast, the blue sky and sun. It was a great sight to see after the heavy rain we experienced by the Botanical Gardens. We made our way down Shankill street, towards the are of the city that had many Murals, and then we were greeted by and interesting sight in front of one of the houses.
King Kong
Of course we had to take a picture of this human sized statue of King Kong. But then we continued on and went to see some of the murals around the city. I will just show them in a row, but its definitely something that has to be seen in person.
Mural 1

Mural 2
Mural 3

Mural 4

Imposing Gate
After seeing the murals on the north side of Shankill street we started to head down the the south side, near Northumberland street. But when we got there all that was in front of us was this imposing gate. We tried to go around it to get to the next street, but the entire section was blocked off so we could not see the area at all. By this point most of the shops had closed, and people were off the streets in the area we were wandering around in, which was quite unsettling. We decided to head back to the hostel, and back to some of the hustle and bustle of the city.
Belfast Nightlife?
That night we went out to the north side of town, but there was no one out. Me and Daniel were quite perplexed as to where all the locals were. Paul had graciously given us a list of places we could go which were all situated along the Golden Mile of Belfast. We decided we should go and look for the Golden Mile, but unfortunately we were not able to find it. Though we have been told it exists. After about 12:30 we decided to head back to the hostel, and that was where we took these 2 pictures, of the empty streets.
Empty streets
I will catch up tomorrow, promise. For now, sleep,

Good Night,



  1. first i want to say that your adventure is just that, yours! no pressure intended....your trip is your ice-cream sundae....any entries you have time to write are just the cherry on top for the rest of us.....and we (i) thank you!

  2. i imagine the nightlife is livelier at the weekend. great pictures, all! love the vintage 'stoic daniel' shot! rest well and keep soaking it all in. lyl, auntIE g.

  3. Some great shots! Thanks for sharing....xo

  4. Thanks Kamaljot for the update and great pictures.
    Hope you have a good night sleep and continue your fantastic experiences. I love it that in unfamiliar countries you seem to get around with ease. Wow!! Good for you. Love you guys!

  5. love the murals and the "king Kong'!
